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Vision and Values

Canterbury Road Primary School

‘A friendly happy place to learn’


Vision and values

At Canterbury Road, children want to come to school and staff, governors and families are all part of the school community. Children are happy, want to learn and are proud to be part of our school. We believe in our motto of ‘a friendly happy place to learn’.


These are our values with learning at the centre. Our school rules are based on Respect and our ethos is one of kindness.

A drawn tree depicting the school rules and mottos

Children learn well at Canterbury Road, attain as highly as they can and make good progress through the school. Through an interesting, cumulative curriculum and excellent teaching, they learn new skills and knowledge and think deeply about issues. Children are keen to learn, increasingly confident and are supported to do as well as they can. Visits and trips enhance learning and broaden children’s experiences beyond that which is familiar to them.

Children are nurtured, cared for and secure and behave well as a result. They feel safe and are happy. They know the rules and take responsibility for their actions. Pupils are friendly towards each other and are kind. They are polite and understand the importance of good conduct.

Staffing levels are high to support learning and wellbeing. Staff are highly skilled and the curriculum is well resourced. Provision for children with additional needs is excellent and all children make good progress.

Canterbury Road has links to schools in the Rural Swale Collaboration Group (RSCG) which supports staff development and excellent pedagogy and provides additional activities for children.


Canterbury Road is a family school.

When your child joins us, you and your family become part of our community too.

We nurture and support our families and welcome everyone.